Miniera Torgola

There are indications that this complex was put into operation around the 15th century. Until the middle of the 19th century, it was only iron that was mined. Sometime in the 19th century, the company switched from iron to fluorite mining. In the 1950s, the company underwent another major expansion, due to the enormous demand […]
La Villa Del Conte

Villa of the Count, this location we got last through an Italian. At that time we were busy with our road trip through Italy and he heard from us in which region we were, so he came up with this house. The villa is lonely on top of a hill and we left the car […]
Eglise Hospital

WELCOME.TO.THE.HOUSE.OF.GOD This is by far the most beautiful church I have visited so far and I have seen many churches in my life. The most interesting about this church is that it is freakishly symmetrical. Not really noticeable when you’re there but I discovered it when I was editing the shots months later at […]