Manicomio Redentore

This building has had many functions in the years since it was built in 1850. It was originally built as a villa for regular residence.
 By the late 1800s, wings and buildings had been added and a Christian organization bought the villa. Destination unknown.
 It was soon taken over as a military hospital during WW1. After that occupation it became a silk factory. After which it was transferred to a Baptist organization which used it to give seminars.
 There is a story that Mussolini had been hiding here since his imprisonment by the Nazis.
 Since 1950, another Christian organization took over, the latter left it in 1970, after which it was purchased by the municipality after years of vacancy.
 The historic building was renovated and the head office of the Institute of Agriculture was established. Employees in the milling and baking industry were trained here. The fields around the property were used for experimental grain cultivation.
 After 10 years it passed into the hands of a new owner of whom no information is known. However, they left after a number of years and it has been vacant ever since. Refugees and vagrants have used it after those years, now it has been empty for years and is heavily dilapidated.